Policy Development

To advance the cause of environment and social justice, Both ENDS undertakes and supports activities that directly contribute to policy changes of governments, multilateral institutions and the private sector through policy dialogue, advocacy and lobby.

The existing diversity in nature and in social conditions commands tailor-made solutions to development needs, as opposed to standard approaches. To ensure that sustainability objectives are served, it is pertinent that local communities and their representatives are fully involved in the formulation and implementation of such tailor-made solutions. To enable these same stakeholders to take part in policy development, transparency is another requirement.

Both ENDS consistently supports NGO campaigns that advocate policy reforms in this respect with governments, multilateral institutions and the private sector. Simultaneously alternative approaches to sustainable development, in which local ownership is key, are promoted. Most efforts of Both ENDS are concentrated on issues of food sovereignity, sustainable land-use, urban sustainability, and water management and their interconnection with issues of international capital flows.


Sustainable Landuse
African Smallholders in Focus | more
Local Contributions to the Rio Conventions | more
TerrAfrica | more
NEW Local experiences shape the adaptation debate submitted 071105 | more

Food Sovereignty
Soy Resource Centre: Literature | more
Shrimp farming in Nigeria? | more
Food sovereignty | more

Water Management
Local Contributions to the Rio Conventions | more
The Initiative for Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America (IIRSA) submitted 2007-02-20 | more
River Basin Development: A Negotiated Approach | more
Rios Vivos Coalition | more
WCD in the Netherlands | more
EU-ACP Water Facility | more

International Capital Flows & Trade
Monitoring of international financial institutions, ultimately aiming for reform: MFI project | more
The Initiative for Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America (IIRSA) | more
Export credits and credit insurances (ECAs) | more
NGO participation in international trade negotiations; EPAs and the WTO | more
The Clean Development Mechanism | more
Update! Trade Matters | more
African smallholders in focus. A voice in EU trade policy - a dialogue oriented public advocacy | more