Policy Development

NGO participation in international trade negotiations; EPAs and the WTO (international capital flows & trade)


Besides the major impact for the economic development of countries, international trade agreements are likely to have major implications for environmental and social issues. The interests of developing countries and particularly marginalised groups in these countries, are often insufficiently reflected in the agenda’s of these negotiations.

Both ENDS is concerned about the position of marginalised groups and countries in international trade negotiations and seeks to strengthen the involvement of those groups at the negotiating table. Furthermore it aims to raise the awareness of negotiators for the need of sufficient political space for policies of importance to environmental and social issues

The main focus is currently at the monitoring of the ACP-EU trade negotiations (Economic Partnership Agreements), the EU-Mercosur free trade agreement and the World Trade Organisation.

High Level Conference on ACP-EU Relations: The Development Challenge of EPAs; Brussels, 12th October 2006

Audio files MP3 of speeches from: More information about the conference can be found here

NEW PUBLICATION: Sanoussi Bilal & Francesco Rampa Alternative (to) EPAs: Possible scenarios for the future ACP trade relations with the EU, European Centre for Development Policy Management, Policy Management Report 11 (Brussels/Maastricht, February 2006) (pdf-en pp 139)(06-02-27)

Information on the EU-ACP Trade Negotiations:

Why the EU approach to regional trade negotiations with developing countries is bad for development
Nederlandse versie


Both ENDS partners call upon Dutch policymakers to change EU-ACP trade negotiations

Announcement International Expert Meeting

Announcement Public Meeting

Both ENDS calls upon the European Commission to take the JPA serious!

ACP EU Joint Parlementary Assembly (pdf-en pp 8)

Globalisation and Africa: Report of the International Experts' Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, April 15-17, 2004 (Amsterdam, October 2004)(pp 70 pdf.en)

EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement

EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement: Profits for a Few - Threats for the Majority of our People (pdf-en pp 7)
Acuerdo Unión Europea - Mercosur: Ganancias para pocos - Amenaza para la mayoría (pdf-ca pp 7)

EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement: Statement of European NGOs (pdf-en pp 4)
Acuerdo de libre comercio Unión Europea - Mercosur: Declaración de ONGs Europeas (pdf-ca pp 4)

More information on the Cancun Ministerial Conference WTO:

WTO in Cancun

Preparations for the Fifth Session of the Ministerial Conference Draft Cancún Ministerial Text

World Trade Organization

The Fifth WTO Ministerial Conference

NGOs and activists groups concerning the WTO

Other activities:

EU-ACP Water Facility

For more information please contact Burghard Ilge at: