Policy Development
Export credits and credit insurances (ECAs) (international capital flows & trade) |
Laatste Nieuws: Exportkredietverzekeringen blijven gemoederen verhitten
Klik hier voor een verslag van de expert meeting van 13 juli jl.
Export Credit Agencies and Investment Insurance Agencies, commonly known as ECAs, are public agencies that provide government-backed credits, loans, guarantees, and insurance to private corporations from their home country to do business abroad, especially in developing countries and emerging markets. Most industrialized nations have at least one ECA, which is often an official or semi-official institution of their government.
Nowadays, ECAs belong to the largest sources of public financial support for foreign corporate involvement in industrial projects overseas. Their investments (e.g. in oil, gas and mining projects) exceed in a substantial way the investments of all Multilateral Development Banks such as the World Bank Group. Half of all new greenhouse gas-emitting industrial projects in developing countries have some form of ECA support. ECAs often back such projects even though the World Bank Group and other multilateral banks find them too risky and potentially harmful to support. As a result, ECA-backed projects often despoil the environment and disrupt the lives of the communities.
- Balancing Risks: What Export Credit Agencies can do for sustainable development (2007)(pdf-en pp 26)2007-05-14
- Wiertsema, W., Export Credit Debt: The responsibility of Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) for the external debt of many countries in the South, by a Presentation held at the Asian-Europe People's Forum, Helsinki, September 4, 2006 (pdf-en pp 7) 2006-09-19
Summary (power point)2006-09-19
- Case study Nigeria (pdf-en pp 8)
- A Trojan Horse for Large Dams: How export credit agencies are offering new subsidies for destructive projects under the guise of environmental protection: A report prepared for ECA Watch, September 2005 (pdf-en pp 30)
- Nicholas Hildyard & Eliah Gilfenbaum The OECD Arrangement and New Subsidies for Dams: The Case for Strengthened Standards (pdf-en pp 23)
- Export Credit DEBT: Briefing Paper: How ECAs turn private risks of corporations into debt for developing countries (pdf-en pp 4)
- Comment les agences de crédits aux exportations transforment les risques privés des entreprises en une dette publique pour les pays du Sud(pdf-fr pp 4)
- Wiertsema, W., Overheidssteun voor buitenlandse handel en investeringen: Goed voor het bedrijfsleven, ook goed voor ontwikkelingslanden?, maart 2003 (pdf)
For more information contact Wiert Wiertsema at ww(at)bothends.org