Policy Development
EU-ACP Water Facility (water management) |
Commission needs to take up interests of poor people in the ACP
The European Commission has created a the ACP-EU Water Facility. Both ENDS and other European and ACP NGOs have opposed the proposed set-up of the Facility and have called upon the Commission and the European member states to amend the Facility in order to make it serve the interests and real needs of those people in ACP countries that are confronted with the huge problem of water and sanitation in their subsequent country.
Both ENDS and the NGO Corporate Europe Observatory have taken the initiative to publish a statement (effectively investing in water and sanitation in ACP countries) that sets out the main concerns that NGOs have with the Facility. In a meeting with the Commission the concerns were raised (read the statement here). In the meantime the ACP and the EU have approved the Water Facility, however they have halved the amount (instead of 1 billion euro it is now 'only' 500 million euro) and the Commission has drafted modalities. Read the extensive analysis here
On the basis of the NGO critique, the Commission has amended its modalities (for more information and to read the modalities, click here). Although Both ENDS has welcomed some of the amendments, it continues to question the consultation procedures and upholds some of its criticisms on the modalities. Read the contributions of Both ENDS policy officers, Daniëlle Hirsch and Stefan Verwer, to the conference that KOSA organised in cooperation with Both ENDS and Brot f7uuml;r die Welt. See the conference-flyer, the contribution of Both ENDS in the conference and the presentations made by Daniëlle Hirsch and Stefan Verwer below.
Please go to our press release: Reaction to EC Consultation to read our comments on the process around the drafting of the Facility.
Water Conference 'New Strategies in the Pipeline? Commercialisation of Water Services in Southern Africa', February 25 and 26 – 2005, Bonn
Introduction (pdf-format 1 pp)- flyer (pdf-format 2 pp)- Statement (pdf-format 3 pp)- Notes by Stefan Verwer (pdf-format 4 pp)- Notes Daniëlle Hirsch (pdf-format 8 pp)
Additional information:
Communication on the future development of the EU Water Initiative and the modalities for the establishment of a Water Facility for ACP countries (pdf-en pp 44)
Conclusions of the 2509th council meeting (pdf en pp 27)
EU Non Paper Water Fund 2003 (pdf-en pp 5)
Meeting with the Commission on the ACP-EU Water Facility
(civil society report) (pdf-en)
Letter to the Minister of Development Cooperation of the Netherlands (pdf-en)
Polaris Project - Operation Water Rights Project - News Money Flow to Water Challenged
Earlier statements of Both ENDS:
Draft: Effectively investing in Water and Sanitation in ACP Countries (pdf-en pp 24)
S. Verwer, Globale Wasser-Fazilität – Werkzeug der Privatisierung? in: Deutscher Naturschutzring EU-Rundschreiben 04.04 – Die Zukunft der Europäischen Union Wasser: Globale Ressource - schützenswertes Gut (pdf-de pp 11)
Both ENDS spreekt op colloquium 'Toegang tot water voor iedereen'
Op uitnodiging van de Bijzondere Commissies Globalisering van Kamer en Senaat van Belgi7euml;, sprak Daniëlle Hirsch over het Europees waterbeleid waarbij ze met name inging op de ACP Water Faciliteit. Lees haar bijdrage hier. Voor meer informatie, zie ook de website van 11.11.11 Koepel van de Vlaamse Noord-Zuidbeweging
Contactinformatie: Daniëlle Hirsch, Programme Officer Water: water(at)bothends.org