Thematic Information Resources:
- Information Packages on a wide range of topical environment issues. These packages have been written mainly for Southern NGOs.
- Briefing Papers present information on important environmental and developmental issues (in pdf-format).
- Working Paper present preliminary and unpolished results of analysis that are circulated to encourage discussion and comment (in pdf-format).
- Policy Notes tackle current policy issues in the field of environment and development and present both information on and alternatives to
standard policy solutions (in pdf-format).
- Information Fact Sheets which provide provide brief overviews and contacts about environmental
topics and capacity building.
- Collections of information Resources. At the moment two collections
are available: resources on soy and resources on sustainable land use.
- Information Newsletters which provide information on web-based
resources on selected topics of development and environment.
Resources on Donors and Funding Opportunities
The Donor Newsletters provide information on funding opportunities in the field of development and environment
NEW: Donor Newsletter # 3-2007 Small Grants Programmes pdf-file (20071229)
Also available are General Overviews which provide extensive information on Funding Agencies
Overview of Agencies that fund Activities related to Biodiversity Protection:
in pdf-format
Version Français (format-pdf)
Resources on fund-raising
Fact-sheets on fundraising - Teknik Fund-raising dalam Bahasa Indonesia -
Hojas Informativas sobre la Recaudación de Fondos - Feuillets d'information sur la recherche de fonds
Newsletter Facts on Fund-raising - Boletín Hojas Informativas sobre la Recaudación de Fondos
Selected local funding opportunities