Resources on Fund-raising

Fact sheets on fund-raising (4-5 pages)
The fact sheet are written for environmental organisations with little experience in fundraising and cover the basics of fund-raising for environmental NGOs, practical guidelines and suggestions, and useful addresses and websites

Fact sheets on Fund-raising (pdf downloads):
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General information on fund-raising

Financing your project without asking for grants

Fund-raising through a donor

How to write a fund-raising proposal

The budget

After the money comes

The Dutch Co-financing Scheme in revision

Teknik Fund-raising dalam Bahasa Indonesia (pdf downloads):
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Informasi umum tentang fund-raising

Membiayai proyek tanpa meminta dana hibah

Mengumpulkan dana melalui donatur

Teknik menulis proposal

Rencana aggaran biaya (RAB)

Setelah dana diterima

Hojas Informativas sobre la Recaudación de Fondos (archivo en pdf):
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Información General sobre Recaudación de Fondos

Financiando su proyecto sin pedir subvenciones de donantes

Recaudación de fondos a través de donantes

Cómo redactar una propuesta de solicitud de financiamiento

El Presupuesto

Después de recibir el Dinero

Feuillet d'information sur la recherche de fonds(en pdf):
Si vous ne disposez pas du logiciel capable de lire ces feuillets, vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement encliquant ici.

Informations générales sur la collecte de fonds

Financer vos projets sans rechercher des subventions de bailleurs de fonds.

Collecte des fonds auprès d’un bailleur

Comment rédiger une proposition de projet

Comment élaborer un budget.

L’après financement.

Facts on Fundraising

The Goldman Prize Recipient Fundraising Capacity Building project with Both ENDS.

The project was based on the wish of the Goldman Prize to support the Prize Winners in the longer term, especially in the field of fundraising, and provide them (and others) with the experience that Both ENDS has in supporting local NGOs in the developing countries.

Part of the project is a series of newsletters called Facts on Fundraising. This series provides practical information on diverse aspects of fundraising. All newsletters are in pdf-format. (In case you cannot open the pdf-documents download Acrobat Reader here).

Newsletter 1: Pinning down the practical
Newsletter 2: Networking and donor relations
Newsletter 3: Organisational capacity building
Newsletter 4: Strategies into reality & Creative fund-raising

Hojas Informativas sobre la Recaudación de Fondos

Boletín 1: Detectando el lado prático
Boletín 2: Sobre la Formación de Redes
Boletín 3: Capacitación para la Búsqueda de Financiamiento
Boletín 4: Estrategias en Realidades & Búsqueda de financiamiento con creatividad