Resources on Donors and Funding Opportunities

The donor newsletters provide information on funding opportunities in the field of development and environment. The publication of the donor newsletters is made possible by grants from the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) and the Directorate General for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BuZa-DGIS).

Donor Newsletters 2007:
NEW 3-2007: Small Grants Programmes pdf-format
NEW 2-2007: Certification, Commodities and Marketing pdf-format
1-2007: Women/Gender & Natural Resources Management pdf-format

Overviews of Funding Agencies:
Overview of Agencies that fund Forest and Forest related Projects html-format - pdf-format
Overview of Agencies that fund Activities to combat Land Degradation html-format - pdf-format
Overview of Agencies that fund Activities related to Biodiversity Protection pdf-format - Version Française (format-pdf)

Donor Newsletters 2006:
3-2006: Small Grant Facilities & Programmes html-format pdf-format
2-2006: Alternative & Renewable Energy html-format pdf-format
1-2006: Capacity Building html-format pdf-format

Donor Newsletters 2005:
3-2005: Wetlands html-format - pdf-format
2-2005: Gender & Water html-format - pdf-format
1-2005: Biodiversity Conservation & Habitat and Ecosystem Protection html-format - pdf-format

Donor Newsletters 2004:
1-2004: Drinking water & Sanitation html-format - pdf-format
2-2004: Agro-forestry, horticulture, permaculture, organic and sustainable farming html-format - pdf-format
3-2004: Food sovereignty & security html-format - pdf-format

Donor Newsletters 2003:
1-2003: Desertification html-format - pdf-format
2-2003: Capacity building html-format - pdf-format
3-2003: Indigenous issues html-format - pdf-format