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Now open! Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative for leadership development of environmental leaders from the South.

Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative supports leadership within the environmental movement in developing countries. Eligible for the Both ENDS’ Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative are (young) persons with leadership potential, who are nominated by organisations that have sustainable management of natural resources as their spearhead.

Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative:

  • Creates individual opportunities for people that are affiliated to organisations within the network of Both ENDS;
  • Awards grants to persons nominated by environmental organisations within Both ENDS’ network. This concerns the development of individual leadership and capacity development of the organisations within Both ENDS’ network;
  • Contributes to network development. A physical and/or virtual exchange of ideas around a theme takes place, so that active network development can be achieved.
For more information, please find here Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative Outline and the FAQs.

For nominations, please find here the nomination instructions for the second round of 2008.

Please note that the deadline for nominations is Monday 1 December 2008 (12.00 hours UTC +1).

The Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative

Both ENDS proudly launched the Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative on March 9th, 2007. This initiative enables talented people who work at environmental organisations in the South to develop themselves further. The Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative makes funds from Joke Waller-Hunter's assets available for 'individual leadership development': going on study trips, conducting research, following management training courses, writing for publications, etc. The annual available amount of € 125.000 is divided into contributions of between € 2.500 and € 15.000. Both ENDS has chosen seven people as the primary beneficiaries. Four of these were present in Amsterdam on March 9th on the Both ENDS 21 year anniversary celebration and introduced themselves to the public .

Who was Joke Waller-Hunter?

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Joke Waller-Hunter was one of the most influential people in the international environmental world. She was head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and in this capacity directly contributed to the creation and execution of the Kyoto Protocol. Joke Waller-Hunter kept a critical eye on the situation in the Netherlands. She was convinced that it's possible to combine environmental- and climate change concerns with sustainable economic growth.

The tragic death of Joke Waller-Hunter at only 58, in October 2005, came as a blow to many. The Netherlands, Europe and the whole world have lost a great source of inspiration in her. She donated her assets to Both ENDS with clear instructions on how to use it. Joke Waller-Hunter was linked to Both ENDS from the early start. Throughout the years, she followed our development, from a distance, with warm interest. We're very proud that she chose us to handle her estate and to develop the Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative.