Strategic Cooperation
NEW Effective gender mainstreaming in water management: From guidelines to practice submitted 2007-02-12 (water management) |
The recently published Both ENDS Working Paper Effective gender mainstreaming in water management for sustainable livelihoods: From guideline to practice, presents the results of the joint project of the Gender and Water Alliance (GWA), the Comprehensive Assessment of water management in agriculture (CA), and Both ENDS (BE). The project was funded by OXFAM-NOVIB.
In the project, the three organisations have set out to analyse why it proves so difficult to mainstream gender in water management. Moreover, they developed a Minimum Agenda that provides practical and realistic recommendations to practitioners, policy makers, researchers and gender specialists working in the field of water and agriculture, to genuinely and effectively address gender differences and inequities in policy, research and in the field.
GWA, CA and BE view the minimum agenda as a living document, which needs further substantiation with demonstrative examples and case studies and supportive tools. They hope the analysis and agenda presented will stimulate all stakeholders in the water sector to start working in their respective roles and activities on the integration of gender in water management, and further discuss strategies to enhance this integration.
The Working Paper is based on the outcomes of different project activities. The separate reports of these project activities, the original project proposal, as well as the working paper (also in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic), will soon be available on CDrom and can all be downloaded from,, and below.
For more information or suggestions for follow-up, please contact us:
Annelieke Douma, Both ENDS: ad(at); Joke Muylwijk, Gender and Water Alliance: jokemuylwijk(at);
Samyukhta Varma, Comprehensive Assessment/IWMI: samyuktha.varma(at)
To download the Working Paper click here: English, Español, Portuguesa, Français, Arabic.
Hard copies of the Working Paper can be ordered through ad(at)
The outcomes of the different project activities can be also be downloaded:
- Project proposal: Effective gender mainstreaming in water management for sustainable livelihoods: from guidelines to practice, BE/GWA/CA, August 2005 - download (pdf-en pp 14)
- Report of the gender review of CA chapters: CA synthesis workshop: Gender, Sri Lanka, 26-30 September 2005 - download (doc-en pp 8)
- Workshop report: Towards a minimum agenda for effective gender mainstreaming in water management, 5-6 December 2005 at Both ENDS in Amsterdam, the Netherlands - download (pdf-en pp 56)
- Analytical report based on questionnaires and interviews: Use of Manuals and Guidelines for Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture, Water and Environment, Pranita Udas and Meena Bilgi, January 2006 - download (pdf-en pp 56)
- Invitation for, and inputs into, the online discussion on Gender Mainstreaming in Water Management for Agriculture, February 2006 -
download invitation - download messages part 1 (zip-file) - download messages part 2 (zip-file)
- Powerpoint presentation: Effective gender mainstreaming in water management for sustainable livelihoods, Meena Bilgi, Stockholm Water Week, August 2006 - download (ppt-en 15 slides)
- Summary of gender issues profiled in CA final book, September 2006 - download (pdf-en pp 15)
- Brochure of a draft minimum agenda, presented and distributed at the World Water Forum in Mexico (March 2006) and the Stockholm Water Week (August 2006) download the brochure
Submitted 2007-02-12