Strategic Cooperation

NTFP Exchange Programme Southeast Asia (sustainable landuse)

Aim of the project:
To enhance the livelihoods of forest dependent communities through local capacity building in the field of NTFP (non-timber forest products)development.

To facilitate effective networking among the partners on a local and regional level through workshops, exposure visits, organisational capacity building and the exchange of strategic regional and international market, technical and financial information on NTFPs. The programme focusses on four key areas:
  • forest management, conservation and rehabilitation;
  • tenure;
  • food security and income generation and
  • local institutional capacity building.
Target group(s):
Local NGOs and indigenous organisations in Southeast Asia.

Achievements so far:
  • Dissemination of recent research and development efforts in the field of NTFPs to the partners;
  • Enhanced capacity for the partners in the field of NTFP development;
  • After initial catalytic support the partners are starting to take over responsibilities for implementation of elements of the Programme e.g. UNAC (Philippines) will take over the regional coordination of the programme;
  • The extension of the program to other countries in South and Southeast Asia is now under implementation: notably Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Bhutan, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
ProFound (Netherlands)
Netherlands Committee for IUCN
NATRIPAL (Philippines)
UNAC (Philippines)
PLASMA (Kalimantan, Indonesia)
BRIMAS (Sarawak, Malaysia)

Read more:

The co-ordinating partners Both ENDS, NC-IUCN and ProFound maintain a joint website on NTFPs:

For more information contact: Paul Wolvekamp, Both ENDS at
Bert-Jan Ottens, ProFound at