Staff Board

Daniëlle Hirschdh(at)
Paul Wolvekamppw(at)
 Deputy Director / Acquisition
Sjef Langeveldsl(at)
Office Management
Tineke Cordesiustc(at)
 Management Assistant
Ankie van Louvezijnsecretariaat(at)
Lieke Murlm(at)
 Financial Controller
Steven Baitalisb(at)
 Financial Assistant
Personnel and Organisation
Danny Woutersdw(at)
 Personnel and Organisation
Daniël Hamelberghelpdesk(at)
Heerko Dijksterhuishd(at)
 Senior Publicity and External Communication
Huub Kistermannhk(at)
 Information Manager / Internal Communication
Ilma Kramerik(at)
 Senior Publicity and External Communication - on maternity lieve
Tim Sendentse(at)
 Junior Publicity and External Communication
Direct Services Team
Huub Scheelehs(at)
 Teamleader Direct Services / Service Desk Central Eastern Europe & Newly Independent States
Piet-Jan Geelkerkenpg(at)
 Service Desk Intake
Martien Hooglandma(at)
 Service Desk Africa
Remi Kempersrk(at)
 Service Desk Asia & Pacific
Magali Llatasml(at)
 Service Desk Latin America
Christa Nooycn(at)
 Service Desk Asia & Pacific / Coordinator Palm Oil Platform
Paulina Novopn(at)
 International Capital Flows - Counterbalance Officer
Strategic Cooperation Team
Tamara Mohrtm(at)
 Teamleader / Coordinator Encyclopedia of Sustainability
Annelieke Doumaad(at)
 Programme Officer Water / Coordinator Dutch Soy Coalition
Maaike Hendriksmh(at)
 Programme Officer Land Use
Pieter Jansenpj(at)
 Programme Officer IFIs
Madhu Ramnathmr(at)
 Country Coordinator India
Christin Reynoldscr(at)
 Desk Research Integrated Approach
Eva Schmitzes(at)
 Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative / Flower Campaign
Marie José van der Werff ten Boschmjb(at)
 Programme Officer Desertification
Joel Williamsjw(at)
 Volunteer Encyclopedia of Sustainability
Policy Development Team
Tobias Schmitzts(at)
Anouk Franckaf(at)
 MFI-Information Centre
Nathalie van Harennh(at)
 Programme officer Agrofuels/ Coordinator Joke Waller-Hunter Initiative / Project Leader Flower Campaign
Roosmarijn van Hartenrh(at)
Burghard Ilgebi(at)
 Programme Officer Trade
Sona Prakashspr(at)
 Policy Officer Land Use
Wiert Wiertsemaww(at)
 Policy Officer Capital Flows / Climate
Staff Baobabconnections
Shamiel Adamsshamiel(at)
 Project Manager
Yehudi van de Polyp(at) or yehudi(at)
 Project Officer
Thomas Gesthuizenthomas(at)
 Assisting Officer